29. lip 2024.

How to Join Mighty Networks from Your Phone

Kako biste pristupili CC-ovom privatnom prostoru za članove na Mighty Networks, morate biti CC član. Ovaj vodič je za članove CC-a koji su pristali na kreiranje MN računa prilikom registracije u CC i koji su sada primili svoju e-mail pozivnicu od Mighty Networks.

1. The invitation to join Mighty Networks should look something like this:

  • From this message you press and hold the Join Me button for approximately 3-5 seconds. It will give you options, press Copy.

2. Open a web browser on your phone. In the Search or enter address area, press and hold for approximately 3-5 seconds. It will give you options, press Paste.

3. You will be directed to this screen – click Join

4. Here is where you create your CC MN account.

  • Fill in your name as you wish it to appear in MN
  • Your email will already be populated.
  • Odaberi lozinku.
  • Klikni na Kreiraj račun

  • We ask that you do not use the options at the bottom.

5. Next you can add a profile picture or skip this step (you can add or change your profile photo at any time within the App).

6. Upon successful creation of your MN account, you should see this:

7. Kad je podešavanje gotovo, preuzmi aplikaciju.

8. When you open the App you will see the below screen.

  • Prijavi se sa svojom e-mail adresom i lozinkom
  • We ask that you do not use the options at the bottom.

Sada biste trebali biti na Mighty Networks početnoj stranici od Connecting Consciousness. Ako vam je potrebna pomoć u pronalaženju grupe vaše zemlje, obratite se svom koordinatoru.

Vrlo je preporučljivo da svoju lozinku spremite na sigurno mjesto i kreirate oznaku (bookmark) te web stranice za kasniji pristup na internetu.